Composite Bonding


Composite Bonding

Get ready for a whiter, healthier smile with Composite Bonding!

Did you know that composite bonding is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures? Composite bonding, also known as teeth bonding or composite veneers, can be used to cover up stains or imperfections, fix chips and cracks, or just improve the appearance of your smile. If you’re interested in learning more about composite bonding, then keep reading!

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What is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is a cosmetic procedure growing in popularity due to its versatile and fantastic results.

Composite bonding works with the use of a material called ‘composite’ which is added to the teeth to repair chips, cracks and mis-shaped teeth. When thinking about taking advantage of this treatment, you have two options. Firstly, composite bonding can be used to fix individual teeth and smooth over small areas of aesthetic displeasure. However, we also offer a truly smile changing treatment in composite veneers here at Park Street Dental.

Composite veneers work in a similar way to dental veneers in that the whole tooth is covered over. However, in this case we would use the composite material to cover the tooth, creating a whole new Hollywood smile. Due to the nature of the material, composite veneers are a less expensive way of achieving that smile than the alternative of porcelain veneers.

Need some advice? Book your Composite Bonding consultation at Park Street Dental to speak directly with our cosmetic dentists.

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Why choose Composite Bonding?

  • Long-lasting effects
  • Improving your smile helps you feel more confident
  • Repair dental damage

Frequently Asked Questions

No! Composite bonding is a comfortable procedure that doesn’t require local anaesthetic (injections). This is because it is usually an addition to your natural teeth, therefore we do not usually need to trim or polish your teeth during the procedure.

Cosmetic bonding can take as little as thirty minutes and up to a few hours depending on the number of teeth being bonded and what your desired result is.

Unless you are booking an emergency appointment at Park Street Dental to treat a single tooth, we usually require an initial assessment and planning appointment. This allows us to accurately assess your suitability for composite bonding as well as plan how to make your composite bonding look the best and lasts the longest.

Composite bonding usually lasts around five years. To get the most out of your composite bonding we recommend regular hygiene appointments, ideally every six months, and re-polishing of the composite every one to two years.

Yes, composite bonding can chip and stain, but it can also be repaired. To reduce the chances of the composite staining or chipping we advise avoiding excessive amounts of highly coloured foods (tea, coffee, red wine, curries etc) and avoiding biting hard objects on the edges of your teeth (pens, fingernails, hard sweets, etc.)

If you are looking for longer-term solutions for your smile you may want to consider other options we provide at Park Street Dental like porcelain veneers or orthodontic treatment, like Invisalign or Quick Straight Teeth as this may be a better option for you. This can be discussed at your cosmetic consultation.

Composite bonding can cost from £250.00 per tooth. Although the Avant Garde injection moulding technique for multiple upper and lower composite veneers is around £350, a more accurate cost will be given once the lab confirms.

Composite bonding is suitable for most patients. Composite can be used to repair worn or chipped teeth, change the colour of teeth close spaces between teeth and change the shape of teeth.
After having your smile evaluation, we will be able to recommend the best long-term solution for your teeth as well as discuss the alternative available options.

At Park Street Dental Practice, we believe that every person should be allowed to take control of their smile. Whether your teeth are crooked or stained we will offer you the best solutions to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. This means that occasionally we won’t accept patients for composite bonding treatment because of the position of teeth or because of the way the top and bottom teeth touch when you bite. However, we will always provide you with alternative suggestions and options so you can still get the smile you deserve!

Yes! If you are planning to use composite to enhance the appearance of multiple teeth, then we will often have an appointment for you to trial the way your smile looks before committing to the treatment. We call this the trial smile phase. This is a great way for you to physically see how the teeth will look when your treatment is complete. The great thing about this is that it also gives us the opportunity to adjust and the result before proceeding with your final tooth bonding.

To do this we will take a mould or scan off your teeth and take a few pictures of your smile. After listening to all your concerns and understanding what you would like your perfect smile to look like we will design your smile here at Park Street Dental, Bridgend.

Yes! Composite bonding can be removed, although this is a delicate process and potentially will result in some loss of your natural tooth. The good news is that when the composite is polished back carefully it is unlikely to cause any serious damage or issues to the teeth. Our dentists in Bridgend regularly use the best equipment and methods to effectively remove composite safely.

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